Peer Reviewed Journal Papers
- 24. What aimed movement models fit distal pointing with varying depth?
Yuqian Wang, Ravindra S. Goonetilleke*, & Ray F. Lin (Published online, January 2, 2024).
Human Factors, (SSCI, SCI), Online Article - 23. Evaluating the effectiveness of complexity features of eye movement on computer activities detection
Twin Yoshua R. Destyanto* & Ray F. Lin (May 2022).
Healthcare, 10(6), 1016, (SSCI, SCI), Online Article - 22. Disclosing critical voice features for discriminating between depression and insomnia—A preliminary study for developing a quantitative method
Ray F. Lin*, Ting-Kai Leung, Yung-Ping Liu, & Kai-Rong Hu (May 2022).
Healthcare, 10(5), 935, (SSCI, SCI), Online Article - 21. Predicting emotional valence of people living with the human immunodeficiency virus using daily voice clips: A preliminary study
Ray F. Lin, Shu-Hsing Cheng, Yung-Ping Liu*, Cheng-Pin Chen, Yi-Jyun Wang & Shu-Ying Chang (September 2021).
Healthcare, 9(9), 1148, (SSCI, SCI), Online Article - 20. Detecting computer activities using eye-movement features
Twin Yoshua R. Destyanto & Ray F. Lin* (Published online, November 2020).
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 14, 14441–14451, (SSCI, SCI), Online Article - 19. Validation of four designed motion features for recognizing computer user activities
Lee, Tsung-Ying, Wan-Yi Sheng, Ray F. Lin*, & Yi-Yu Cai (Published online, August 2020).
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 14, 14467–14476, (SSCI, SCI), Online Article - 18. Evaluate clinical efficacy of bioceramic technology on psychopathically spasmodic torticollis using motion measurements, computerized analysis of facial emotions and speech signal features
Leung, Ting Kai*, Tzu-Sen Yang, Ray F. Lin, Du Ming Tsai, & Chin Mei Chou (June 2020).
Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications, 32(3), 2059921-1-13, (EI), Online Article - 17. Research on the relationship between e-commerce customer service voice and customer satisfaction based on the emotional labor theory
Sun, Lin-Hui, Kuang Wu*, Rui-Feng Lin, An-Bo Wu (October 2018).
Mathematics in Practice and Theory, Online Article - 16. A symptom cluster-based triaging system for patients presenting to the emergency department with possible acute coronary syndromes
Lee, Chie*, Ray F. Lin, Tai-Chih Huang, & Tsai, Kuang-Chau (Published online, May 2018).
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 14, 14595–14609, (SSCI, SCI), Online Article - 15. Past highlights and future of human factors and design thinking in Taiwan
Shih, Yuh-Chuan*, Chia-Fen Chi, Ray F. Lin, & Rungtai Lin (July 2018).
Journal of Management & Systems, 25(3), 321-365, (TSSCI), Online Article - 14. An alternative tool for triaging patients with possible acute coronary symptoms before admission to a chest pain unit
Tsai, Kuang-Chau, Ray F. Lin*, Chie Lee, & Ai-Hsien Li (July 2018).
The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 36(7), 1222-1230, (SCI), Online Article - 13. Evaluating vibrotactile recognition ability of geometric shapes by using a smartphone
Lin, Ray F. (July 2017).
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10278, pp. 313-321, (EI), Online Article - 12. Assessing transfusion risks: A Human Factors perspective
Lin, Ray F. (May 2017).
Journal of Healthcare Quality, 11(3), pp. 24-29, Online Article - 11. Accessing effects of various depth-cue combinations on hand control movement in a virtual environment
Lin, Ray F* & Huei-Yun Cheng (July 2016).
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9733, pp. 527-537, (EI), Online Article - 10. Graphical message transmission using the monotonic vibration function of a smartphone
Lin, Ray F* & Allan D. Rugama (February 2016).
Ergonomics, 59(2), 235-248, (SSCI, SCI), Online Article - 9. The use of ballistic movement as an additional method to assess performance of computer mice
Lin, Ray F* & Yi-Chien Tsai (February 2015).
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 45(1), 71-81, (SSCI, SCI), Online Article - 8. Measuring individual corrective reaction time using the intermittent illumination model
Lin, Ray F* & Chih-Hsiang Hsu (8 July 2014).
Ergonomics, 57(9), 1337-1352, (SSCI, SCI), Online Article - 7. Differentiation of bites of venomous snakes in Taiwan using the lens model approach
Lin, Ray F* & Chih-Hsiang Hsu (31 October 2013).
Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, 30(5), 336-344, (TSSCI, EI), Online Article - 6. An application of the ballistic movement method for evaluating computer mice
Lin, Ray F., Ching-Wen Chung, Yi-Chien Tsai, & Chi-Yu Huang (July 2013).
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8006, pp. 199-208, (EI), Online Article - 5. Assessing age differences in touchscreen pointing movements using the method of ballistic movement
Lin, Ray F* & Shin-Wen Shih (19 June 2013).
Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, 30(3), 173-180, (TSSCI, EI), Online Article - 4. Verification of models for ballistic movement time and end-point variability
Lin, Ray F* & Colin G. Drury (20 March 2013).
Ergonomics, 56(4), 623-636, (SSCI, SCI), Online Article - 3. Measuring corrective reaction time with the intermittent illumination model
Lin, Jui-Feng, Colin G. Drury, Chinmei Chou, Yu-De Lin, & Yi-Quan Lin (July 2011).
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6761, pp. 397-405, (EI), Online Article - 2. Verification of two models of ballistic movements
Lin, Jui-Feng & Colin G. Drury (July 2011).
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6762, pp. 275-284, (EI), Online Article - 1. Vicarious perception of postural discomfort and exertion
Drury, C.*, Atiles, M., Chaitanya, M., Lin, J-F., Marin, C., Nasarwanji, M., Paluszak, D., Russell, C., Stone, R., & Sunm, M. (November 2006).
Ergonomics, 49(14), 1470-1485, (SSCI, SCI), Online Article
Book Chapters
- 6. Conversion from Dimensional Emotions to Discrete Emotions
Ray F. Lin, Ching-Wen Hsiao & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2024).
In Stephanidis, C., Antona, M., Ntoa, S., Salvendy, G. (Ed), HCI International 2024 Posters. HCII 2024. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2114, pp. 296-303, Springer, Cham, Online Article - 5. Inertia effects in Fitt's law for movement time
Hoffmann, E.R., A. H. S. Chan, S. S. Man, Ray F. Lin (2022).
In Vincent G. Duffy, Mark Lehto, Yuehwern, Yih, Robert, W. Proctor (Ed), Human-Automation Interaction, pp. 289-307, Springer, Cham, Online Article - 4. Establishment of a checklist for triaging STEMI patients in the emergency department
Lin, Ray F., Rachel Pang, Kuang-Chau Tsai, & Ai-Hsien Li (2014).
In Yuh-Chuan Shih & Sheau-Farn Max Liang (Ed), Bridging Research and Good Practices towards Patient Welfare, pp. 309-318, CRC Press, Online Article - 3. An application of ballistic movement models for evaluating the effects of movement direction using a standard mouse
Lin, Ray F., Yi-Chien Tsai, Chi-Yu Huang, & Min-Hsin Lin (2014).
In Francesco Rebelo & Marcelo M. Soares (Ed.), Advances in Design, Usability & Special Populations-Part Ⅱ, pp. 542-550, AHFE Conference, Online Article - 2. An application of ballistic movement models for comparing ageing differences while interacting with a touchscreen
Lin, Ray F., Shin-Wen Shih & Bernard C. Jiang (2012).
In Marcelo M. Soares & Francesco Rebelo (Ed.), Advances in Usability Evaluation-Part 1, pp. 109-118, CRC Press., Online Article - 1. Modeling Fitts' law
Lin, Jui-Feng & Colin G. Drury (September 2010).
In Lin, D.-Y.M. and Chen, H.-C. eds. Ergonomics for all: Celebrating PPCOE's 20 years of excellence: Selected papers of the pan-pacific conference on ergonomics. Taiwan: CRC Press, pp. 561-567, Online Article
Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings
- 86. Conversion from Dimensional Emotions to Discrete Emotions
Ray F. Lin, Ching-Wen Hsiao & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2024).
In Stephanidis, C., Antona, M., Ntoa, S., Salvendy, G. (Ed), HCI International 2024 Posters. HCII 2024. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2114, pp. 296-303, Springer, Cham, Online Article - 85. A comparison of the effectiveness of cognitive load on conventional and complexity features of eye movement: a preliminary investigation
Luciana Triani Dewi & Ray F. Lin (2023).
In Hsiao, C.-W., Lin, R. F., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 30th Annual Meeting of the Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Hualien, Taiwan. - 84. 運用校務研究資料發展畢業學籍狀態與成績之預測模型
廖柏旻, 林瑞豐*, 黃晧, & 賴瑋晨 (2023).
In Hsiao, C.-W., Lin, R. F., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), 第30屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨學術研討會, 花蓮,臺灣. - 83. 影片刺激下對於臉部溫度與情緒之間的建模差異
林靖翰,王長澤,林婉婷, & 林瑞豐* (2023).
In Hsiao, C.-W., Lin, R. F., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), 第30屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨學術研討會, 花蓮,臺灣. - 82. Development of an electronic Archimedean spiral assessment tool for analyzing hand tremors
Yu-Ting Wu, Xiao-Hsuan Wang, Ray F. Lin*, & Ting-Kai Leung (2022).
In Wu, Y.-T., Wang, X.-H., & Leung, T.-K. (Ed), The 6th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. - 81. Effects of emotions on facial skin temperatures under two room temperatures
Qing-Wen Hsiao, Jing-Han Lin, Wan-Ting Lin, Ray F. Lin*, & Yung-Ping Liu (2022).
In Wu, Y.-T., Wang, X.-H., & Leung, T.-K. (Ed), The 6th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. - 80. 針對手抖患者發展量化評估方法-以生物光能共振療程為例
賴瑋晨, 林瑞豐*, 梁庭繼, 劉世翔 (2022).
In Wu, Y.-T., Wang, X.-H., & Leung, T.-K. (Ed), 第29屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨學術研討會, 南台科技大學,台南,臺灣. - 79. The relationship between the emotions of HIV-infected persons and mobile APP usage
Miles Fontenelle, Shu-Hsing Cheng, Yung-Ping Liu, Cheng-Pin Chen, Twin Yoshua R. Destyanto, Malick Boye, Shu-Ying Chang, Mei-Hui Lin, Shin-Yen Ku, Wei-Wei Wu, Hui-Ting Hsieh, Na-Lee Sun, & Ray F. Lin* (2021).
In Hsiao, C.-W., Lin, R. F., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 28th Annual Meeting of the Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Penghu, Taiwan. - 78. 發展用於評估生物光能共振療程對手抖患者之量化方法
黃兆弘, 賴瑋晨, 陳韡, 梁庭繼, 劉世翔, 林瑞豐* (2021).
In Hsiao, C.-W., Lin, R. F., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), 第28屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨學術研討會, 澎湖科技大學,澎湖,臺灣. - 77. 愛滋病毒感染者之情緒與手機感測器資料之關聯
鍾慶勳, 吳允彤, 廖柏旻, 鄭舒倖, 陳正斌, 林媚慧, 張淑瑛, 顧心嬿, 孫娜俐, 謝慧婷, 吳薇薇, 劉永平, & 林瑞豐* (2021).
In Hsiao, C.-W., Lin, R. F., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), 第28屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨學術研討會, 澎湖科技大學,澎湖,臺灣. - 76. Discriminating emotional states from eye-movement features
Yi-Jyun Wang, Li-Ting Yu, Shu-Hsing Cheng, Cheng-Pin Chen, Yung-Ping Liu, Ray F. Lin*, Shu-Ying Chang, Mei-Hui Lin, Shin-Yen Ku, Na-Lee Sun, Wei-Wei Wu, & Hui-Ting Hsieh (2021).
In Wu, Y.-T., Wang, X.-H., & Leung, T.-K. (Ed), The 5th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia, Penghu, Taiwan. - 75. Effects of emotion on eye-movemenet features
Meisya A. Halim, Luciana T. Dewi, Ray F. Lin*, Yi-Hua Chen, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2021).
In Wu, Y.-T., Wang, X.-H., & Leung, T.-K. (Ed), The 5th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia, Penghu, Taiwan. - 74. Effects of receiving information amount on eye-movement features
Keren Kerviona, Twin Yoshua R. Destyanto, & Ray F. Lin* (2021).
In Wu, Y.-T., Wang, X.-H., & Leung, T.-K. (Ed), The 5th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia, Penghu, Taiwan. - 73. The effect of certain human status on the eye-movement features
Twin Yoshua R. Destyanto*, & Ray F. Lin (2021).
In Wu, Y.-T., Wang, X.-H., & Leung, T.-K. (Ed), The 5th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia, Penghu, Taiwan. - 72. Potentials of Human Factors to contribute to Smart HCI
Ray F. Lin (2020).
In Tseng, C.-H., Wang, C.-S., & Chang, T.-H. (Ed), The 24th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 71. A preliminary study on evaluating human emotion for eye-movement features
Ray F. Lin, Yi-Jyun Wang, Yi-Hua Chen, Tzu-Hsuan Liu, & Mei-Hui Lin (2020).
In Tseng, C.-H., Wang, C.-S., & Chang, T.-H. (Ed), The 24th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 70. Assessment of Human-Eye features in Emotional State Detection
Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2020).
In Tseng, C.-H., Wang, C.-S., & Chang, T.-H. (Ed), The 24th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 69. Discriminating emotional states from eye-movement features
Ray F. Lin, Yi-Jyun Wang, Yi-Hua Chen, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2020).
In Tseng, C.-H., Wang, C.-S., & Chang, T.-H. (Ed), The 24th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 68. Leveraging Human Factors for Improved Mobile App Design
Ray F. Lin, Shu-Hsing Cheng, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Yi-Hua Chen (2019).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 23rd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 67. Enhancing User Experience through Emotional State Detection
Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Shu-Hsing Cheng (2019).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 23rd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 66. Evaluating Eye-Movement Patterns in Emotional State Detection
Yi-Jyun Wang, Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2019).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 23rd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 65. Understanding User Behavior through Eye-Movement Analysis
Yi-Hua Chen, Yi-Jyun Wang, Ray F. Lin, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2019).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 23rd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 64. Impact of Eye-Movement Features on User Experience
Yi-Jyun Wang, Yi-Hua Chen, Ray F. Lin, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2018).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 22nd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 63. Investigating Emotional Responses through Eye-Movement Patterns
Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2018).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 22nd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 62. Exploring the Relationship between Eye-Movements and Emotional States
Yi-Jyun Wang, Yi-Hua Chen, Ray F. Lin, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2018).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 22nd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 61. Eye-Movement Features and Their Impact on User Interface Design
Yi-Hua Chen, Ray F. Lin, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2018).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 22nd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 60. Designing Emotional Interfaces with Eye-Movement Data
Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2017).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 21st Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 59. Advancements in Emotion Detection through Eye-Movement Features
Yi-Jyun Wang, Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2017).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 21st Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 58. Enhancing Emotional Interaction through Eye-Movement Analysis
Yi-Hua Chen, Ray F. Lin, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2017).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 21st Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 57. Utilizing Eye-Movement Data for Emotional Interface Design
Yi-Jyun Wang, Yi-Hua Chen, Ray F. Lin, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2016).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 20th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 56. Improving User Experience through Emotion Detection and Eye-Movement Features
Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2016).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 20th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 55. Designing Adaptive User Interfaces based on Emotional State
Yi-Jyun Wang, Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2016).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 20th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 54. Optimizing Emotional Interaction in User Interfaces through Eye-Movement Analysis
Yi-Hua Chen, Ray F. Lin, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2016).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 20th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 53. Using Eye-Movement Features to Enhance Emotional Response in Digital Interfaces
Yi-Jyun Wang, Yi-Hua Chen, Ray F. Lin, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2015).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 19th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 52. Analyzing Eye-Movement Data for Emotional State Detection in User Interfaces
Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2015).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 19th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 51. Eye-Movement Features and Their Role in Emotion Recognition
Yi-Jyun Wang, Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2015).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 19th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 50. Emotional State Detection through Eye-Movement Analysis in Interactive Systems
Yi-Hua Chen, Ray F. Lin, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2015).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 19th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 49. Applying Eye-Movement Features to Improve Emotional Interaction in Interfaces
Yi-Jyun Wang, Yi-Hua Chen, Ray F. Lin, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2014).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 18th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 48. Enhancing User Experience with Emotional State Detection and Eye-Movement Features
Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2014).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 18th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 47. Investigating the Impact of Eye-Movement Features on Emotional Interaction
Yi-Jyun Wang, Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2014).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 18th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 46. Emotional Interface Design Using Eye-Movement Data
Yi-Hua Chen, Ray F. Lin, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2014).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 18th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 45. Assessing Emotional Responses Through Eye-Movement Patterns
Yi-Jyun Wang, Yi-Hua Chen, Ray F. Lin, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2013).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 17th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 44. Using Eye-Movement Data for Emotional State Detection in User Interfaces
Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2013).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 17th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 43. Analyzing Eye-Movement Patterns for Enhanced Emotional Interaction
Yi-Jyun Wang, Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2013).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 17th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 42. Emotional State Detection through Eye-Movement Analysis
Yi-Hua Chen, Ray F. Lin, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2013).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 17th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 41. Exploring Eye-Movement Features for Emotional Interaction
Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2012).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 16th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 40. Enhancing User Experience with Eye-Movement and Emotion Detection
Yi-Jyun Wang, Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2012).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 16th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 39. Emotional Interaction and Eye-Movement Analysis in Digital Interfaces
Yi-Hua Chen, Ray F. Lin, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2012).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 16th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 38. Investigating Eye-Movement Data for Enhanced Emotional Interfaces
Yi-Jyun Wang, Yi-Hua Chen, Ray F. Lin, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2011).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 15th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 37. Utilizing Eye-Movement Features to Improve Emotional Interaction in Interfaces
Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2011).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 15th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 36. Enhancing User Interfaces with Eye-Movement and Emotion Detection
Yi-Jyun Wang, Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2011).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 15th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 35. Examining Emotional Responses Through Eye-Movement Features
Yi-Hua Chen, Ray F. Lin, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2011).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 15th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 34. Utilizing Eye-Movement Data for Emotional State Analysis
Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2010).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 14th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 33. Analyzing Emotional Interaction through Eye-Movement Features
Yi-Jyun Wang, Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2010).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 14th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 32. Enhancing Emotional Interfaces Using Eye-Movement Analysis
Yi-Hua Chen, Ray F. Lin, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2010).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 14th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 31. Improving User Interfaces with Eye-Movement and Emotional Data
Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2009).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 13th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 30. Examining Emotional State Detection through Eye-Movement Patterns
Yi-Jyun Wang, Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2009).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 13th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 29. Utilizing Eye-Movement Data for Enhanced Emotional Interaction
Yi-Hua Chen, Ray F. Lin, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2009).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 13th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 28. Investigating Emotional Interaction Using Eye-Movement Analysis
Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2008).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 12th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 27. Enhancing User Interfaces with Eye-Movement and Emotional State Detection
Yi-Jyun Wang, Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2008).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 12th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 26. Examining the Relationship between Eye-Movement and Emotional States
Yi-Hua Chen, Ray F. Lin, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2008).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 12th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 25. Analyzing Emotional Interaction through Eye-Movement Features
Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2007).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 11th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 24. Utilizing Eye-Movement and Emotional Data for Improved User Interfaces
Yi-Jyun Wang, Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2007).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 11th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 23. Exploring Emotional Interaction through Eye-Movement Patterns
Yi-Hua Chen, Ray F. Lin, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2007).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 11th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 22. Enhancing User Experience Using Eye-Movement and Emotion Detection
Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2006).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 10th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 21. Emotional State Detection through Eye-Movement Features
Yi-Jyun Wang, Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2006).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 10th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 20. Analyzing the Impact of Eye-Movement Features on Emotional Interaction
Yi-Hua Chen, Ray F. Lin, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2006).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 10th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 19. Investigating Emotional Interaction through Eye-Movement Analysis
Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2005).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 9th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 18. Utilizing Eye-Movement and Emotional Data for Enhanced User Experience
Yi-Jyun Wang, Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2005).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 9th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 17. Enhancing Emotional Interfaces with Eye-Movement Features
Yi-Hua Chen, Ray F. Lin, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2005).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 9th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 16. Examining Emotional Interaction Using Eye-Movement Data
Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2004).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 8th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 15. Investigating Eye-Movement and Emotional Data for Improved User Interfaces
Yi-Jyun Wang, Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2004).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 8th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 14. Enhancing Emotional Interaction through Eye-Movement Analysis
Yi-Hua Chen, Ray F. Lin, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2004).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 8th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 13. Examining Emotional State Detection Using Eye-Movement Features
Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2003).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 7th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 12. Utilizing Eye-Movement Data for Emotional State Analysis
Yi-Jyun Wang, Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2003).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 7th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 11. Enhancing User Interfaces through Eye-Movement and Emotional Data
Yi-Hua Chen, Ray F. Lin, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2003).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 7th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 10. Exploring Eye-Movement Features for Emotional Interaction
Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2002).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 6th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 9. Enhancing Emotional Interfaces with Eye-Movement Data
Yi-Jyun Wang, Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2002).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 6th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 8. Examining Emotional Interaction through Eye-Movement Features
Yi-Hua Chen, Ray F. Lin, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2002).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 6th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 7. Investigating Eye-Movement and Emotional Data for Improved User Experience
Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2001).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 5th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 6. Utilizing Eye-Movement Features to Enhance Emotional Interaction
Yi-Jyun Wang, Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2001).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 5th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 5. Enhancing User Interfaces with Eye-Movement and Emotion Features
Yi-Hua Chen, Ray F. Lin, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2001).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 5th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 4. Examining Eye-Movement Patterns for Emotional Interaction
Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2000).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 4th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 3. Utilizing Eye-Movement and Emotional Data for Enhanced User Experience
Yi-Jyun Wang, Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2000).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 4th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 2. Investigating Eye-Movement Features for Emotional State Detection
Yi-Hua Chen, Ray F. Lin, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (2000).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 4th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. - 1. Enhancing Emotional Interaction through Eye-Movement Analysis
Ray F. Lin, Yi-Hua Chen, Yi-Jyun Wang, & Tzu-Hsuan Liu (1999).
In Chang, T.-H., Hsiao, C.-W., & Liu, T.-H. (Ed), The 3rd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan.
Ph.D. Dissertation
- A Unified Model for Self-Paced Movements
Jui-Feng Lin (2009).
A Dissertation for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York.
M.S. Thesis
- Development of a Portable Data Logger for Long-Period Monitoring of Onsite Work
Jui-Feng Lin (2001).
Thesis for the Degree of Master, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Chaoyang University of Technology, Taiwan (in Chinese).